


杰出项目的杰出奖. 菲利普学院美术系宣布2018-2019赛季的活动

继2017年获得机构最佳奖项之后, 2018-2019年圣乔治大学的免费和付费艺术和学术活动. 菲利普的大学 begins with announcements today of awards 为 college's entire 2017 theater season, 两部创新戏剧作品, an address by a veteran war 报告er who won the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for national 报告ing on wounded warriors, 和 continues into the winter with the exciting return of a longtime college community partner.

该剧2017-2018季 我所有的儿子 还有音乐剧 起泡红糖 刚刚获得了阿拉莫剧院艺术委员会的多项全球大奖 亚诺列加 (最佳女配角:《我的儿子们), Azarely维拉斯 (最佳女配角:《我的儿子们), 伦纳德·洛佩兹 (音乐剧编舞:冒泡的红糖). The 2018-2019 season includes two debut productions as the theater company reimagines the most famous choral work of the 20th century that is 《布兰诗歌Burana by Carl Orff (1895-1982), the heavy existential 1944 classic that is Jean-Paul Sartre's 没有退出. 两者都毫不微妙——一位作曲家的标志性康塔塔是关于人际关系的, excess 和 the fickle nature of fate 和 one playwright's reaction to relationships during the cruelty 和 mass destruction of war---和 each a classic. 没有退出 将于11月上映 安德鲁J. 海因里希 指导和 《布兰诗歌Burana 该片将于4月上映,整个制作团队的细节将在未来几周内公布, 通过大学唱诗班指挥招募唱诗班成员 埃里克•施密特.

Members of the "Sugar" team included 2017 Fine Arts performance alumna 和 honor society Hall of Honor recipient 吉塞尔Vasquez. When not working in the corporate front office of the college’s award winning Fine Arts Department business unit, 她的旅程包括和乐队一起唱歌 大学合唱团 演奏打击乐 SPC爵士乐队 和冒泡红糖项目.

“当我来到圣·琼斯时,我对节奏和旋律都很了解. 菲利普的大学. 所以我和节奏联系在一起. Playing drums for 起泡红糖 was a contacted job 和 it helped me in my field of study. 我在高中的几次比赛中演奏了四槌马林巴琴. 我的大学老师是个架子鼓手... 任何多才多艺的打击乐手都想接受挑战. 协调四肢的工作还在进行中. 对休格有帮助的是上了一学期的拉丁打击乐课 从康茄舞 在圣. 菲利普的大学. The opportunities I’ve had through people I know at the college are invaluable 和 incredible. I learned we would perform on the stage for Sugar when I saw the set they were going to build for us. 那是一次非常爵士乐和蓝调的经历. 我知道我喜欢玩它. 看起来我们是在哈莱姆的十字路口。.

文森特·哈迪 leads the theater company in his capacity as the new-for-2018 chair of the college’s Fine Arts Department.

“据我所知,SPC剧院从来没有获得过两次金球奖提名. 这是一项值得庆祝的成就. 我很兴奋,因为这两部剧我们都有一个演员团队, 设计师, 机组人员, 音乐家, choreographers 和 dancers who created two memorable theatrical experiences for audiences,哈代说。, 添加, “我感到无比自豪, 和 at the same time I think the upcoming season programming is among our most innovative.”

2018年在沃森举行的免费和付费活动包括 Hispanic Heritage Month speaking debut of the Hidden Figures author Margot Lee Shetterly 为 2018 St. 菲利普学院院长系列讲座 学院的研讨会和讲座项目 第一个全国性的公共广播电话节目《文字之道》播出 和 几个舞蹈团. Additional events are being added to a developing 和 exciting 2019-2019 season lineup.

除了作为即将上任的董事会成员开始他的任期外 圣安东尼奥世界事务委员会大卫伍德 会向议会成员发表关于战斗的演讲吗, 退伍军人, 道德伤害是委员会的 杰出演讲者系列 这就是St。. 菲利普学院来做这个项目. 作为和平主义者长大的贵格会教徒, 伍德花了30多年的时间报道世界各地的冲突, most recently in extended deployments embedded with US troops in Iraq 和 Afghanistan. 他的新书, 我们做了什么:我们最长战争的道德伤害这本书探讨了道德创伤,这是美国21世纪战争的标志性创伤. 付费活动在下午6:30开始.m. 11月. 位于马丁·路德·金大道1810号的沃森美术中心有600个座位. 请浏览该活动的理事会网页 在这里

The construction of the 600-seat SPC Watson Fine Arts Center as a space for such events 为 intellect throughout the years includes the 23-season 圣安东尼奥交响乐团驻场 project (1988-2011) --- a partnership among the pillars of both education 和 music in the nation's seventh-largest metro area. The triumphal return of the symphony to the 120-year-old college in the era of conductor Sebastian Lang-Lessing began with the 圣安东尼奥 Eastside Tricentennial Celebration 和 Keynote Presentation featuring Dr. 露丝·西蒙斯 五月 与交响乐和圣. 菲利普的大学 Choir performing a rarity with an educational pedigree---a full symphonic 和 choir version of the song 扬声歌唱. 就像弗朗茨·舒伯特的交响乐通常被称为 鳟鱼扬声歌唱 通常被称为 黑人国歌 和 is a song written as a poem by legendary school principal 詹姆斯·Weldon Johnson (1871–1938) in 1900 和 set to music by his brother John Rosamond Johnson (1873–1954) in 1905 为 occasion of a school visit by ultra-legendary educator 和 presidential advisor Booker T. 华盛顿. The college is slightly older than the music that is normally sung in solo or choral versions by such artists as Beyonce 和 Denyce Graves. 圣安东尼奥交响乐团的版本让观众叹为观止. The 2019 residence includes several days of symphony rehearsals open to free public attendance---和 one free full performance as part of the symphony’s Concert(210) series on 2月. 下午7点2分.m. 查看交响乐网站的活动 在这里.

让我们来看看这个赛季,随着赛事状态的定期变化,最好是 联系大学 技术总监,礼堂经理拉塞尔·考尔德,210-486-2706, rcalder@1222232.com 详情及最新消息:

  • 11月. 9- 11,15 -18 | SPC影院:无出口|联系Mr. 考尔德更新的事件时间和价格
  • 11月. 15 | 6:30 p.m. |圣安东尼奥世界事务理事会杰出演讲者系列: 大卫伍德 |联系理事会 对入学 资讯及定价 在这里
  • 11月. 28 | SPC Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会入会典礼|联系Mr. 考尔德更新事件时间|免费
  • 11月. 29 | SPC自然科学推出“Jessica’s Project”|联系Jessica先生. 考尔德更新事件时间|免费
  • 12月. 4 | 7 p.m. | SPC合唱团音乐会|免费
  • 12月. 6 | 7 p.m. | SPC爵士乐队音乐会|免费
  • 12月. 7 | 7 p.m. | SPC语音汇演|免费
  • 12月. 16 | SAYWE假日音乐会|联系先生. 考尔德更新事件时间|免费
  • 1月. 2月30日| 圣安东尼奥交响乐团驻校排练. 菲利普的大学  向公众开放|联系Mr. 考尔德或 交响乐团 有关排练时间的更新|免费
  • 2月. 2 | 7 p.m. |圣安东尼奥交响乐团驻校. 菲利普的大学 表演 |免费
  • 2019年4月| SPC剧院:《布兰诗歌Burana |联系Mr. 考尔德更新的事件时间和价格

在图片1中找到摄影师Siggi Ragnur的环球奖图片. 22 圣安东尼奥快报 报告 经典戏剧是全球大奖的大赢家 艺术作家黛博拉·马丁 在这里.

第一步是加入圣. 菲利普的大学 events as an audience or production member or as a facility user begins by reaching out to the St. 菲利普学院美术系团队210-486-2205.